Michael Moore, who isn't one

of my fave people, was on Bill Maher's 'Real Time', which is one of my fave shows, and said he thought Trump could/would win, and Bill agreed with him. Their logic was simple. The Pub base, angry old white men and Evangelicals aren't a majority in the US, BUT, they turn out to vote, in YUUUGE numbers, while the less rabid Dems have gotten complacent, thinking, 'No Way the Orange Clown can win!' HA. Who'd have thought the PT Barnum-like huckster could have made it this far? NO ONE, that's who, but here he is, and it's scaring the rest of the world into soiling themselves, just contemplating the possibility of President Donald Trump.
Remember, the vote of an illiterate trailer dweller in Mississippi counts the same as an economics professor at a university, and there's a LOT more trailer trash than there are professors. Think about it... Plus, no one gets out the vote like a preacher in the Bible Belt or a rabble-rouser in the Rust Belt who blames 'the elite' for shutting down the coal mines, and taking those 'wonderful' jobs.
Time to start/keep buying gold and silver. The End is Near.....


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