FOXNews, and the Pubs (one and the same)

like to claim, God hates Dems, cuz it rained at the DNC, breaking a hot spell.
OK clowns, then how do explain God's feelings as He let loose a YUUUUGE hail storm in Colorado Springs, busting out the windshields of 27 police cars, going to be used for The Donald's security, right before Trump arrived?
God must REALLY love Trump, providing all that ice, for a YUUUGE party.
FOXNews again proves they are nothing but a JOKE, as they explain God's 'favorite', according to the weather. We all know that if Jesus was here today, he'd point at The Donald and say, 'Yup, that's My Man', and give a thumbs up! Can we get an Amen, from the sheep?
Today's Quote. Trump is an insult to the intelligence of America.
Perfectly said...
This just in: The 'brain trust' at Bullshit Mountain is attacking Hillary, cuz............. wait for it..........
"She's not wearing a FLAG PIN!"    No shit, that is the latest attack on Hillary, from Bullshit Mountain. According to FOX, 'How can you take a candidate for president seriously if they don't wear a flag pin?'
You can't make this stuff up.............


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