In the old 'Good News/Bad News'

category, I'm looking at the narrow (approx 5 pts, before the expected DNC bounce) lead that Hillary holds, and consider that the 'bad news'. BUT, in looking at the all-important 'Electoral College' votes, the ones that really count, Mr Blowhard is in a deep hole. It is generally accepted that he has to carry all three of the largest swing states, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida, and that is gonna be a YUUUUGE problem for him. And that's BEFORE the debates, where he's gonna get his ass handed to him.

I'd love to think he doesn't have a chance of winning, (like I thought during the Repub Candidate Clown Car Circus) but he does. There are a LOT, of angry, fearful, 'left behind', uneducated, FOXBullshit-believing, rightwingnut Thumpers, living paycheck to paycheck who think they have 'nothing to lose' in their sad lives, and they want CHANGE, no matter how ridiculous. Plus, we have the 1% who will back him for the tax breaks he promises. Bottom line, it could be MUCH closer than it should be, as FOX/PARP will pound the low-information sheep with whatever lies/propaganda they think they can get away with. Some things never change....
Under bad news/good news, there is the matter of him receiving nuclear codes, and the 'bad news' that would be. Under the 'good news' it is generally believed that Trump would never actually get the 'real' code, as the 'brass' tells him the password is P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D, to launch the nukes, in case some world leader makes fun of his hair...


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