The US 'security' experts are concerned,

and rightfully so, as The Donald is about to get 'security briefings', and his close ties to the Russian strongman, Vladimir Putin, are a source of worry. The Russian hackers, who just released the Wasserman-Schultz emails are already trying to influence the election, to get 'their boy' in the White House.
The headline says, 'Never has a (president?) had such ties to a foreign country'. HA, I call bullshit, The Bush family has had ties to the royal family of Saudi Arabia for many generations, cuz of the 'family business' of both of them. Just think, 15 of 19 World Trade Center bombers just HAPPENED to be Saudi, which raised the price of oil more than ten-fold, before the cowboy con-man attacked Iraq, the enemy of Saudi Arabia.
Bottom line our country can't survive another Pub in the White House. Just look at what happened the last time they were 'in charge'. OMG!


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