Whenever I temporarily venture to the Dark Side

and hear the crap from Bullshit Mountain, I continually think, WTF are these people thinking? Today, I heard one of their main gripes, which remains the same. The 'Obama recovery' has taken longer than average. Oh really? The last time we had the economy in similar shape was the Great Depression, and it took even more years and then WWII.
This time, after GW and The Dick trashed us, in spite of $860 BILLION in checks to their buddies, it is taking a while to totally recover, but we are on track. Duh, who da thunk? BUT, the Pubs are bitchin' cuz it shoulda been faster, even though they fought EVERY bill that would have helped, saying 'we can't afford it' although one TRILLION on the F-35 fighter is fine, after wasting TRILLIONS on a war based on lies, and NOW they want the helm again, after running us into the rocks, and sinking the 'ship of state', but can't afford infrastructure repair.
Bottom line, without the lies of Bullshit Mountain, the Pubs wouldn't have a chance, but they do, cuz the low-info sheep swallow the lies. Nothing new here, but who can't see the obvious? Oh yeah, the sheep... What world do these idiots live in? Oh yeah, Head up the Assville, c/o Red State, USA...


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