Surprise, it REALLY pisses me off,

that Colo Springs rightingnut Darryl Glenn, who had ZERO money in his account, has been adopted by Citizens Untied, to bombard the TV airwaves with slick ads, that make ZERO mention of his views and FAR RIGHT platform/agenda, BUT he may be able to unseat a Dem, IF the low-info voters just remember sound bites, continually blasted at them/
NOW, I'm really pissed as we see Obama's speech, from his FIRST DNC, and Glenn's schpiel is EXACTLY the same, just as Melania stole Michelle's speech. Word for word!
What a bunch of sleazebags(R), that have to 'look up' to see whale shit.
Have I mentioned how I can't stand em(R)? C'mon sheep, look at the FACTS!
Never mind, that's not your style. Just check FOX for your 'news'....


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