It's pretty ironic,

that on the day that the Repub Party was officially taken over by The Dark Side, in the form of The Orange One, Roger Ailes was booted from FOX, the network that created Trump. Make no mistake, without the lies and propaganda from Bullshit Mountain, creating a subclass of sheep that believe things are TERRIBLE in America, among MANY other lies, there is no way the bombastic huckster, with his dark view of the country, that only HE can save, would have made it past the first few primaries.
But he did, and like King Kong climbing the Empire State Building, is now poised to wreak havoc on mankind. Thanks a bunch, Roger and FOX/PARP.
The 'genius' of Mr. Ailes at Fox has been repeating the same thing over and over until it is believed by the low-information Fox viewers: that it was “unpatriotic” for other media to show dissent about the Iraq war after the attacks of Sept. 11, that Obamacare is a “government takeover,” that President Obama, a Kenyan born Muslim is soft on terrorism and won’t call jihad “jihad,” that Hillary Clinton is crooked because of the investigation into her email, and BENGHAZI!, even after the Republican committees had cleared her. AND, 'she's gonna take your GUNS!, a typical FOX charge that has ZERO evidence, but has been repeated SO OFTEN, the sheep believe it and hate her for it.
Bottom line, Roger Ailes and FOX/PARP created The Donald, and on the day the orangutan-like bully ascended the Empire State Building (RNC), swatting at the bi-planes (truth and reason), the sexy hunk (Roger Ailes) who preyed on the female anchors at FOX was shown the door. How ironic....


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