Wow, I'm getting old,

cuz we're celebrating my beautiful, young daughter Kari's (?yrs) birthday today. Seem impossible, but it's real. And my granddaughter Piper is now 7. Whew.... Time not only flies, it flies like a falcon, the Millenium Falcon. Zooooommmm....
The good news? Am enjoying and appreciating every day, in a beautiful part of world, and living comfortably with the family I love, who'll be here soon to celebrate Kari's b-day. Life truly is good....

And I feel a strange calm, now the RNC is over and we're not being bombarded by Trump and crew with their continual, outrageous lies, being swallowed/applauded by the hordes of brain dead sheep. About time... I doubt if I even watch the DNC. Why?


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