If you were an impartial observer,

or an alien from another planet, who listened to and believed the crap from the RNC, you'd think that the US had a couple of wars raging, the economy had just crashed, with the stock market and home values being cut in half, unemployment skyrocketing, interest rates peaking and energy costs bankrupting the average consumer.
Cuz that's exactly what the bullshit from the convention(R) implies, BUT, you would be totally wrong, like the sheep from Bullshit Mountain. That was the LAST administration. Think about it.
Can your tiny, little Fair and Balanced, FOX-warped non-brain comprehend reality?
Didn't think so, as you swallow the crap from FOX and the Pubs. One and the same.
Nothing new here, BUT, RU kidding me???? As you support The Donald for prez of the US?
Absolutely insane, but SO Republican.......
BTW After 38 hours of lies and denial the Trump campaign admitted palgiarism, while calling Hillary 'The Devil', who should be shot, for their double digit IQ Bible Belt crowd. How can you reason with morons like this? You can't, but who cares....


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