Darryl Glenn, the rightwingnut darling

who has been 'adopted' by the Koch bros, and spouts an 'exact' ripoff of Obama's words on his TV ads that run constantly was confronted with his arrest record, when he attacked his father, punching him in the face, and getting thrown in jail. Instead of admitting a youthful discretion, he took the Repub route, as when EVERYONE could see Melania had ripped off Michelle's speech, but the jerks(R) just DENIED it for nearly two days, before reality overtook them and they blamed a low-level speechwriter.
Glenn's defense is basically 'an evil twin' first claiming another person with the same name, and then his brother, who looks like him. Now, we see the birth date, and signature on the arrest report, and there's ZERO doubt, as others remember the incident, but the whackjob is still denying it, saying he DOESN'T REMEMBER being arrested for hitting his father.
Typical Repub response. Lie, lie then lie some more before blaming someone else.


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