As if the ethanol fiasco wasn’t bad enough,

using our precious resources to grow corn that is processed into ethanol, a process that uses more energy than it creates, while depleting the last of the world’s largest fresh water aquifer, Dotard just doubled down and lifted the restrictions on 15% ethanol, banned because of the pollution it causes.
The same jackhole is INCREASING the use of coal, the Number One polluter of our air and water, at a time when the rest of the world is cutting back on the harmful, dirty competitor to natural gas that is much cleaner and cheaper to use.
Pick an issue, and the incompetent Liar in Chief will be on the wrong side, choosing to pollute our air and water while wasting our precious fresh water reserves, in an effort to curry favor with the Repub farm states.
If you recall, the entire ethanol fiasco was foisted on us by the Bush Admin, tomgarner Pub support for War Based on LIES in Iraq.
Now, the latest Repub jackhole just made it worse, ensuring the drawdown of the water we’re gonna need to grow FOOD crops instead of wasting it on a ‘make work’ program to win votes from the people he screwed with his idiotic tariffs.
Just when you think he can’t possible get worse, the arrogant, incompetent pussy Grabber always does. This time doing doing YUUUUGE long term damage to a water source that will take thousands of years to replenish.
Don’t believe me? Just check out how far the Ogallala Aquifer has dropped since corn has turned into a Washington political issue, instead of a food crop.


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