Dotard claimed the ‘paid protesters’ who believed Dr Ford, are SO pissed off, cuz they DIDNT get paid.

WTF? The only paid protesters who didn’t get paid were the ‘extras’ who cheered Dotard as he rode down the escalator at Trump Tower, when the Liar in Chief PAID the actors that cheered him on.
No shit. Look it up, if you dare, rightwingnut sheep......
BTW, this is the same asshole who looked at Dr Ford’s testimony, said she was very believable, then said it was all a HOAX, and the sheep cheered him on, after they saw the most believable witness EVER, before the Boofing, Devils Triangle sex assaulter started screaming and lying, to the cheers of the same crowd that killed the Garrick Garland nomination, better known as HYPOCRITES R US.
Screw em and the sheep they rode in on.....


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