For me, one of the most convincing aspects of Dr Ford’s testimony against Kav Baby’s sex assault,

was the fact that she had told her therapist about it MANY years ago, well before the Boofer was nominated for SCOTUS, and it’s something I was eager to find out about.
At Dotard’s insistence, the Feds weren’t allowed to talk with the therapist who could have told us a LOT that we needed to know.
Also, the Pubs KEEP SAYING that Sen Feinstein sat on the info for too long, and should have come forward sooner.
WRONG. Dr Ford asked for anonymity, not wanting the publicity that ended its Dotard mocking her testimony, telling several LIES about it, incl she didn’t know the year, neighborhood or if it was upstairs. All obvious LIES from the Liar in Chief, that surprised NO ONE, cuz he’s a pathological liar.
And as far as the Pubs caring about sexual assault, they elected an admitted Pussy Grabber who had well over a dozen women claiming he assaulted them as he paid off hookers and porn stars, while lying about it.
AS IF the jerks(R) give a shit about sex assaults or morality, as long as they have a Pub planting his ass in the Oval Office.
Remember, this is the same crowd that believes Putin over the FBI and all US intel.
OR, they just don’t give a shit about Russian interference in our elections.
Do these Einstein’s ever wonder WHY the Commies want Dotard in office?


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