I was shocked to read that Dotard has a fifty percent approval rating.

Then I saw the source, and understood the number.
Yup, it’s the Rasmussen poll, made up primarily of FOXSheep, who are ALWAYS gonna love the Pubs, being fed a steady diet of Repub propaganda from Roger Ailes pet project.
In the real world, Dotard is despised, by approximately 2 out of 3 Americans and 9 of 10 foreigners.
The Rasmussen poll is like asking a Sunday morning church crowd if they believe in Noah’s Ark.
Duh, who da thunk they’d go with ancient myths, ignoring facts.
Karl Rove strikes again, aligning the Pubs with the church crowd.
Bottom line, they vote, and aren’t concerned with facts, science or reality, choosing instead to embrace ancient myths, and FOX.
Yup, the earth is 6000 years old, being gay is a choice and Dotard, the LYING Pussy Grabber is a Christian.
Way to go, Pubs, go after your base, the southern Bible Belt, where education is no big deal, and FOX, where ‘alternative facts’ and ‘truth isn’t truth’ rules.
There’s a reason Dotard said, ‘ I love the uneducated.’
They are the PERFECT Pub voters.
If I could get a mailing list of the sheep, I’d sell magic beans and swamp land, and make a FORTUNE.


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