In one of his THOUSANDS of LIES, Dotard claimed he got a ’small loan’ of one million dollars form his father.

LIAR! It was well over $413 mil in today’s dollars, most of which was from fraud and tax cheating, with the main part coming from a sham company set up to transfer wealth without paying taxes.
Then the slimy SOB built upon that wealth by screwing investors, suppliers and contractors, pulling all the cash out of a company and then declaring bankruptcy. At least SIX times, leaving the little people holding the bag of debts.
This is the same dumbshit who couldn’t make a profit when he owned the only casinos in the area, that have a YUUUUGE advantage for the ‘house’.
No wonder loans and investments dried up and the crook had to go to Russia for financing, which is exactly what Eric and DJTJ said, many times.
We could check, but the Liar in Chief won’t release his tax returns,
Duh, I wonder why?
But yet this pussy grabbing sleazoid remains the darling of the church crowd.
Excuse me while I puke....
Most of us look at the slimeball with revulsion, but the sheep say, ‘wow, that’s presidential material’.
You can’t explain ignorance/gullibility like that, until you look at FOX, the Pub Propaganda Arm, then it all makes sense....


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