Remember when Sean ‘Windbag’ Hannity was bitchin about Obama inviting Common to the White House?

The head cheerleader for all things Republican claimed the White House was no place for a rapper.
Now, the hypocritical hack is praising Dotard for inviting the psycho nutball, Kanye West, to the same building.
Jimmy Kimmett claims Sean Baby is ‘evolving’, but I claim it’s just the typical ‘Dems BAD, Pubs GOOD’ bullshit that FOX is famous for.
If it weren’t for Lies and Hypocrisy, Bullshit Mountain would have nothing for the sheep to swallow.
At first I couldn’t see what Kanye saw in Dotard, then I saw him with his wife Kim K and realized he LOVES a YUUUUGE ass.


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