There was a time Dotard had a couple of real professionals in his Cabinet, along with incompetent jerks who make up most of it, but they quit

Rex Tillerson, former head of Exxon Mobil, called the Orange Clown a ‘fucking moron’ as he left, and Gary Cohen, Chief Economic Advisor, who warned against tariffs, called Dotard an incompetent professional liar on his way out.
The bad news, after the competent people leave, we are left with the INcompetent jerks who remain.
Surprise, the same arrogant a-hole who went bankrupt SIX times is having trouble running a country, and can’t keep good help, as his economic policies are screwing up world markets, and pissing off all our former allies, as the Liar in Chief kisses up to Kim Jong Un and Putin, while his Iran policy is costing BILLIONS, that flow into Big Oil, which is Russia’s only business.
Who da thunk?


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