There’s a LONG article in theTimes, detailing part of the scams pulled by Dotard and his father Fred.

Lots of well documented facts but the entire article can be encapsulated in an article by my buddy Dave.
Bottom line, the sheep don’t give a shit about his LIES and crimes and the rest of us already knew or suspected what a crooked family the Trumps actually are, preying upon the middle and poor classes, continually raising rents in rent controlled buildings, cuz of fabricated expenses that were shoveling $$$ to the little Trumpies.
If Dotard would have just sat on his holdings, instead of doing his marvelous DEALS, he would have WAY more money, but the sheep think he’s a great businessman, cuz he’s marketed himself to the gullible and ignorant.

But the bottom line is that Donald Trump did not “build a successful business empire” on a measly $1 million inheritance.  No, Donald (over most of his life starting from infancy) has inherited a total of $413 million from his father – and pissed much of it away on impulsive and ill-considered vanity projects (The Taj Mahal casino, Trump Airlines, Trump University, etc.).  And the entire Trump family (starting with Fred) has been engaged in elaborate scams, con jobs and massive tax fraud to enrich themselves on the backs of their investors, sub-contractors, customers, employees and the tens of thousands of tenants in Trump residential properties for the last 70 years.

But the Pussy Grabber is a hero to the clueless sheep.
Who can explain it? 
Oh yeah, FOXNews and the church crowd.
Never mind.....


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