After at least 20 investigations,

the latest by a REPUB committee, the Pub 'uber-jerk', Lindsay Graham STILL won't accept reality, believing the FOXLies that somehow, Hillary could have saved the diplomats in Benghazi, although the entire assault that killed them took under 2 hours, and the nearest help was several hours away, after the PUBS had cut embassy security. I keep running into that kind of ignorance from the sheep, as they actually believe the Bullshit Mountain propaganda, no matter what evidence is presented.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham on Sunday criticized a recently released House Republican report that concludes no intelligence lapses in connection with the fatal Benghazi attacks, saying congressional investigators did a “lousy job.”

Typical Pub reaction, as they live in their FOX-induced fantasy world....
This just in from today's 'Meet the Press'
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) said, 'It's probably time for Republicans to drop their fixation on Benghazi.'
And the educated world said, 'Oh Really, Already?


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