There was a time,

when I thought I needed a 'purpose', or goal, in my life. Then I realized, there are millions of sheep out there, who actually believe FOXNews bullshit. Voila, I have a mission, and I feel good about it, and I have many readers/followers ( a steady gain each year, since I began, in 2006) each day, who laugh with me, and are educated, as Bullshit Mountain traps the naive and ignorant, with their BS, that the 'uninformed sheep' actually believe. Funny, or sad? Bottom line, I feel good about my 'mission for truth', against the Murdoch/Ailes propaganda machine, that fuels the Pubs, in their assault on reality, while putting forth a glitzy, mostly tue news show, followed by outrageous panels, XSpurts and bimbos who catapult the party line, with lies and propaganda. It's like a child molester, who has 'really good' candy.


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