Good article today,

about falling commodity prices, world wide. It can be good, in some areas, like gasoline getting cheaper, but this article
tells about some of the pitfalls, and the ominous warning if it continues. The rightwingers of Bullshit Mountain, and other conservative pundits, whose financial advice has been lethal to the idiots who have followed them, are still warning about 'Inflation!', and they run around like Chicken Little, screaming 'The sky is gonna fall', cuz the economy HAD to be bailed out after Bush and the Pubs to us to the edge of ruin, BUT, as usual, FOXNews and message they preach is full of shit. DEflation is a much bigger problem, and is being forecast by falling commodity prices, while world economies are TRYING to induce some inflationary pressure. Read the article and check it out, OR, you can just watch/listen to Bullshit Mountain and lose your ass in the financial markets. If so, you deserve it....


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