Before I got up this morning,

I was flipping thru the news channels, and found FOX, which is included in that section, cuz Rupert PAID over a hundred millions dollars, to be included. And I saw one of their 'senior statesmen', the venerable Britt Humes, in an earnest discussion with one of the trained monkeys who peddle the Bullshit Mountain narrative. As I began to feel the urge to gag, I quickly changed the channel, BUT, I heard some of their discourse before I did. They were discussing the 'Bias' of the 'mainstream media'. Yup. This bastion of BS, just another arm of the Repub Party, has the gall to say that they, and they alone, broadcast UNbiased truth, while EVERYONE ELSE is wrong. Would be funny until you realize, the sheep actually believe this crap, and get their 'news and opinion' from Bullshit Mountain. It boggles the mind, I know, but they're out there, and I mean 'Out There' with their beliefs, and think they are Super-Patriots cuz they swallow the stories that Murdoch/Ailes spoon feed them. UNbelievable, and sad, but true....


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