The Denver Post had a good article, today,

with voting stats on the latest national election, as per, race, age, gender, geographical, etc, on who voted for what, and the issues important to them. The main reason given for Pubs voting against Dems was that they were anti-Obama, because the economy is SO bad. Really? These are the people who invented the 'misery index', that is the relationship between interest rates and unemployment, which are 'excellent' by historical sandards, and getting better, as well as the deficit, (cut in half since the Bush era), with the stock market and home values setting all time records. BUT, FOXNews has convinced the sheep that 'the sky is falling', cuz of that Black man in the White house', and they voted that way. "Repeat a lie often enough and will become the truth', has never been SO masterfully propagandized as Bullshit Mountain has done with it's constant manipulation of the 'news' that the sheep swallow. Well done FOXNews/Repub Party, which are one and the same.


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