I don't know why/how

my TV got stuck on FOXNews this morning, while I was getting dressed, etc, but in just a few minutes I learned that Obama HATES coal, that he is gonna put thousands out of work cuz of it, and converting coal plants won't make any difference to air quality. The best way to fight him is to DEfund the EPA, cuz if we don't we're gonna be like Germany, where energy prices have TRIPLED. As I went turn off the crap that hurt my brain, one of their X-spurts (unknown-drip under pressure) was musing, 'Can you imagine your heating bill 'tripling'? And you wonder why the sheep hate Dems, once they've entered the fantasy world of Bullshit Mountain? People actually watch/swallow this crap on a regular basis? Like FOX, UNbelievable....
PS. Last time my TV had FOX on, the Xspurts were assuring us that Ebola was 'off and running' in the US cuz Obama had allowed it in the country, and an epidemic was inevitable.


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