I had a 'discussion' a while back,

with a rightwinger, and one of the things we discussed was the new pot laws here in Colorado, and the talk went to cannabis laws in other states. I said I thought it was wrong for people getting thrown in jail for it. When I asked Mr Conservative if he was OK with that, he said that we each need to abide by the laws we had 'Voted In'. But, I said, the pot laws weren't voted in. Tricky Dick Nixon wanted a way to 'nail' the hippies that were protesting against his war, and he decided to make pot a 'highly punishable' offense, BUT, he couldn't get the laws passed to do that, SO, he and his lawyers came up with a plan to just make cannabis a 'Schedule 1, controlled sustance' drug, rating it with heroin, meth and cocaine. VOILA! Throw those hippie bums in jail. Asked if this changed his mind about pot penalties, Mr Rightwinger said,  (something like) 'No, we can't decide which laws to obey', (as kids get years in jail for possessing a small amount of a naturally growing weed). That's why I have a problem with the average 'conservative' and their sheep-like attitudes, that get people sent to jail, for bullshit laws.


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