the Climatologists, (who actually have an education and multiple degrees in scientific studies), seem to be right, as they have consistently predicted weather 'extremes', as part of 'climate change', while the Pubs who preface their bullshit with, 'I'm not a scientist, BUT, blah blah blah', and then regurgitate the Koch bros/FOXNews propaganda, are wrong again. Anyone who pays attention to facts, (NOT the sheep), realize that temp extremes are increasing each year. (Don't believe it?, Google it yourself). Am not getting into cause/effect, or whether it's caused by humans, or can be fixed, just FACTS, when you look at world-wide statistics. Sorry Rush and Sean, but your BS opinions do NOT trump facts. Never mind, the sheep, whose 'facts' are bought and paid for by the Koch bros, won't believe it, but 'who cares', as they live in their 'fact free' FOXWorld. Bottom line, we have record lows, after recently having record highs, AND if you can read a chart, it's obviously part of a 'trend'...


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