As I see the avalanche of crap,

cascading down Bullshit Mountain when the prez moved forward on immigration, after the Pubs refused to, let me make 2 points. One, he is doing nothing more than St Ronald and GHW did, when faced with the same problem. Two, the Senate passed a bi-partisan (hard to believe, but true) immigration bill and sent it to the Repub controlled House, where there were sufficient bi-partisan votes to pass it. Google it if you don't believe me, BUT, Bonehead and McTurtleface REFUSED to bring it to a vote, cuz they were afraid of the Tea Party, SO, nothing got done, as is the case when Pubs are involved. That was 2 years ago, and Obama got tired of waiting. Also, it's not blanket amnesty, several criteria must be met, AND, they get no benefits, like Soc Sec. I just wanted to introduce the FACTS of the matter, which you will never hear from FOXNews, the Repub propaganda network, where the sheep go to 'hear what they want to hear', regardless of what's REAL.


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