Had a GREAT Thanksgiving,

as usual at Nate and Laura's (and Piper's), although we missed Kari and Ted, cuz it was their year to be with the 'non-fun' group, but I remember when WE tried to do 2 T-giving dinners each year and it ruined both of them. Bottom line, great food, home brew, games and fun times up in the canyon. You see and hear all the comedians talk about the 'awkward' holiday get-togethers with the loud mouth relatives. We are fortunate enough to all be on the same page, religiously and politically, SO, it makes it a lot more enjoyable. I can't imagine having to sit through an afternoon while 'drunk uncle' spouts all the FOXNews talking points, and rails about the 'War on Christmas'. I'd end up either leaving early or punching him out.  And I wouldn't want to leave early...


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