One of my favorite people,

James Randi is retiring, without EVER having to give away the million dollars he promised to anyone who could 'Prove' magic or spiritual/healing powers. He DISproved a whole bunch of charlatans, (that the sheep fell for), with their 'miracles' and parlor room magic, as he promised $1,000,000 to anyone who could prove supernatural powers. Uri Geller, the spoon bender, and a BUNCH of 'spiritual healers', like Jim and Tammie Baker, Jimmie Swaggert, Benny Hinn, and their ilk, (who took a BUNCH of my folk's money), in the name of religion, could never stand up to his scientific scrutiny. It all boils down to superstition/myth vs science, and science wins EVERY time. Sad that so many sheep out there just don't understand, BUT, if they wanna get paid they can still get the million dollars. Don't believe it? Just step up and collect the million bucks, with a certifiable 'miracle', that never happens, but that doesn't stop the faith healers from fleecing the sheep.
PS. The Pubs pay HUGE money for mailing lists of the sheep who are the 'true believers', and it's one of the best investments ever made, cuz the same sheep who believe the Charlatans, believe the Repub BS. Coincidence?


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