The Haters(R) are bitchin,

cuz insurance rates are going up next year. 'See, we told you Obamacare sucks', they scream. BUT, what they're NOT saying, is that this is the first year since 2004 that it's not a double digit increase. SO, haters, just sit down and shut up, instead catapulting the FOXNews talking points. In the Post today, Chris Gaul said it well.

'Charles Krauthammer charges that the Affordable Care Act was built on misleading statements. The result is millions of Americans, oh my goodness, now have health insurance. I’ll take that outcome over George W. Bush’s misleading statements about weapons of mass destruction that took this country into the Iraq war with thousands killed and wounded and trillions of dollars spent.'

Sure, Obamacare needs a LOT of work, but it's a start, something the Pubs hate, even though their boy Mitt did the same thing in Massachusettes. SO, Repub jerks, show us something BETTER, instead of just bitching, which they always do instead of DOING, when millions of Americans get health care, that doesn't bankrupt them.


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