The midterms provided further proof

that the same states that have the lowest incomes and education, (surprise, they overlap), and coincidentally, the highest obesity rates and most welfare handouts (a stranbe, but real combinataion), are SOLIDLY Republican. Duh, who da thunk?
After the midterms, The Associated Press provided this tally:
“In January, the G.O.P. will control every governor’s office, two U.S. Senate seats, nearly every majority-white congressional district and both state legislative chambers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas.”
And as always, the high education/income states, overwhelmingly Democrat, will pay their bills. In spite of these FACTS, Bullshit Mountain will continue to convince the sheep that Pubs are paying the way for, 'those lazy Democrats', and the typical ignorant FOX fan will blindly swallow the propaganda, just as they've been programmed to do. Nothing new here, but sickening, just the same....
Bubba, below, reminds his buddies, 'Keep voting Republican, and save our way of life'.


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