After being publicly shamed, (sent to the woodshed, his words) for pig-headed, consistently, totally worng, 'sky is falling', Tea Party, 'Inflation is Gonna KILL Us', views, Rick Santelli is back at it today, with his FAV kind of guest, a Ronald Reagan staffer, and his same old crap. He's claiming the govt intervention to save the economy, after Bush WRECKED it, was worthless, AND, while he was speaking, the S&P hit another ALL time high, and in the next segment they reported on Europe and Japan doing the SAME kimd of intervention to help their economies. Six years and counting, being WRONG every day, and 'Rick the Dick' Santelli still has his job. Where can I get paid for that kind of incompetence? All you need is s a bunch of 'head up their ass' Tea Party/Repubs to believe easily provable BS, rather than look at reality, and you too, can be a right wing hero. Bottom line, if you listened, believed and invested, you lost your ass, several times over. Too bad, so sad, losers..... BUT, those people don't have money anyway. SURPRISE!


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