In an effort to get the Repubs

'off their asses' and passing an Immigration Bill, (instead of just bitching, as they always do), the prez is gonna go ahead and start the process, by announcing his own plan, just like St Ronald and GHW did. Did you know Reagan gave 'amnesty' to 3 million 'illegals', with 'executive action'? (FOX will never tell you, for sure, cuz it doesn't fit their bullshit narrative.)
Just watch, this Obama action will make 'em scream, and Bullshit Mountain will 'rally the troops', BUT, at least the Pubs will  be forced to DO something, which is WAY different than just doing NOTHING and complaining, which is their normal plan.
They've already floated 3 ideas. 1. Sue the prez. 2. Impeach the prez. 3. 'Shut down the govt', instead of actually passing a bill. Same old Republican Party, who passes 'depletion allowance' tax breaks for Big Oil, but ignores infrastructure jobs for workers and the country. Same old shit, that the sheep swallow, without thinking.


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