IF, the white police officer,

had shot an unarmed black teenager, when his hands were up and he was surrendering, then there might be cause for some unrest in Ferguson, MO. BUT, the forenssic evidence shows that's NOT what happened, as the 'witness', the thug accomplice of the violent criminal Michael Brown, obviously lied about the events that transpired after video showed the two of them robbing a convenience and shoving and threatening the owner. Now, after examining the facts and interviewing witnesses, the grand jury decided not to indict the officer, who was just doing his job, was attacked and he had to defend himself. The local criminals, and some who came to incite and join the looting and burning should be held accountable for their crimes. Such lawlessness just diminishes those who are actual victims of police violence, which is real sometimes, but was not the case in Ferguson, MO.


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