Ben Cohen, of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream,

was on CNBC, the Financial Channel, this morning, with his new campaign to get Big Money(R) out of politics, since the Supreme Court(R) changed 'one man, one vote', to 'many dollars, many votes', with their 'Citizen's United'(R) ruling, which opened the floodgates for corporate America, led by the Koch Bros(R), to buy their favorite politicians(R), legally. Ben started a campaign (click here), to stamp paper currency, (legally) with a stamp, telling the Pubs to back off, and take Big Money out the political process. A good way to send a message through the economy. I hope it works.
PS. There's a LOT I can't stand about the Pubs, but, at the top of the list has got to be, 'Starting wars for profit' (Viet Nam and Iraq), and putting the American political system up 'For Sale', (Citizens United). AND, their 'Ministry of Propaganda', FOXNews.
                                            Greedy Oligarch Pigs

Any idea what an oligarch is? Look it up, if you don't. Hint: Republican philosophy, proven by 'Citizens United'.


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