As I said earlier,
Carol and I are watching 'Friday Night Lights', and enjoying it, but it is different than the book (so far), as it avoids the politics of oil and Texans, which are intertwined. I remembered a post I did, (turned out to be Oct 18, 2010), so I revisited it. Just Finished Texasville, and it ended pretty much the same way that 'Friday Night Lights' did. Both books, by Pulitzer prize winning authors in the 90's, concluded with small Texas towns going broke, after the price of oil fell to under $9/bbl, and they lost their golden goose. Little did they know, not far away, in Midland, Texas, George Bush had a plan. As they said in 'FNL', 'We're just one mideast war away from being rich again', and as Luthie said in TXville, 'Let's just bomb OPEC'. As they 'just talked', GHW Bush was putting together a team, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from oilmen who still had some their riches. With his son GW, Dick Cheney, Karl Ro...