After watching 'Sunday Morning' (which was very interesting today),

the TV was still on as I got shaved and showered with 'Face the Nation' and John Boehner was talking. At first it was all about BENGHAZ!, which has had approx 30 hearings. and the Pubs who led them said there was 'nothing there'. BUT, Bonehead claims he needs to see ALL of Hillary's e-mails, include all her private correspondence for several years, in his witch hunt to find SOMETHING to bring her down. His hero is obviously Ken Starr who tormented Bill Clinton for YEARS, 'investigating' Whitewater, before he finally came up with Monica..
Then the conversation went to immigration, and Bonehead said, "I've been trying to pass an immigration bill for years, but Obama has blocked it'. WTF? Does he really think people (other than the sheep) are so stupid they don't know that because of the rightwingnuts in HIS party he won't even allow a vote on immigration in the House, (which everyone agrees WOULD pass) but that doesn't stop him from bitching about it.
I finally turned off the TV, before the bullshit could leak out and stain the carpet. Nothing new here, as I see/hear the Pubs at work, but sickening just the same. No way to start a day.....


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