In a typical Repub reaction,

because they don't don't like a TINY aspect of Planned Parenthood's actions, they are moving to KILL the entire agency, that provides free and low-cost family planning, involving birth-control for the people who need it the most. The poor and low income women, who have unwanted and unplanned for children, which cost taxpayers BILLIONS, will have their medical care CUT OFF, if the Pubs have their way. The Repub plan remains the same. "Just Say No' is their response to a problem that was showing great results. In Colorado, unwanted teen pregnancies, (and abortions) are down over 40%, but the rightingnuts want to kill the program, cuz they don't like part of it.
Same old crap from the 'religious right' who wants to force their beliefs on EVERYONE, without regard to consequences.


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