While scrolling through the 'news' channels this morning,

I accidentally went too, and got fake news instead, where I saw a marijuana leaf and trauma situations on the same screen. Curious, I watched the 'story' on FOXCrap. The clowns were reporting on 'Spice', a dangerous, multi-drug concoction, ingested by idiots, in states where cannabis is outlawed, BUT, they didn't call it that. In typical Bullshit Mountain fashion, they referred to it as Synthetic Marijuana, while showing a marijuana leaf, at the same time they ran footage of emergency room procedures and showed the number of deaths and injuries from 'Synthetic Marijuana'. BTW, the largest numbers of deaths and injuries (by far) were in TX and MS, Repub strongholds where cannabis laws are the toughest.
Yup, 'Reefer Madness' mentality is alive and well at FOXLies, where they label the damage done by their stupid laws as 'cannabis related', when there is ZERO relation between the substances. Same old shit from Bullshit Mountain, or as GW said, 'Sometimes we need to catapult the propaganda'.
In the world of 'real' and 'related' news, Case-Schiller reported that the Denver area lead the nation AGAIN in real estate price appreciation. Wow, who da thunk?


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