Throughout my entire life,

I have never wanted to fight, but have been forced into it,occasionally. Whether it was jr high, high school, college or beyond, there were times I needed to stand up or shut up, BUT I chose my battles carefully, never getting beaten, though there were a couple 'ties'. Unlike the Repubs, who have others fight their battles, and don't choose well, cuz they have no 'skin' in the game. Bottom line, the Repub 'chickenhawks' love to commit the US military, in Afg, Iraq, and other Mideast countries that hate us after GW and The Dick had their 'oops, no WMD's' war. Now they wanna quit talking with Iran, and 'they' aren't afraid to fight. Same old crap from the old farts who never take any casualties, BUT, make huge profits. It's the Republican way......


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