Don't tell the FOXSheep,

cuz they have their own separate reality, provided by Rush, Sean and the rest of the Bullshit Mountain crew, BUT, for the rest of us, who live in the REAL world,
WASHINGTON (AP) — Earth dialed the heat up in June, smashing warm temperature records for both the month and the first half of the year.
Off-the-charts heat is "getting to be a monthly thing," said Jessica Blunden, a climate scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. June was the fourth month of 2015 that set a record, she said.
While the Koch Bros pay Murdoch/Ailes to shovel shit to the sheep, our planet is continuing to heat up. Nothing new here, but just thought I'd point out the facts, not that they make any difference to the sheep, who are either just plain stupid, or willfully ignorant. Not that there's a huge difference.....
Not surprising though, from a crowd that thinks being gay is a choice and GW and The Dick 'got fooled' by bad intelligence.


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