After the 'Great White Hunter',

a 'sick' dentist, paid over $50,000 to kill a beautiful lion that had been lured from the animal sanctuary by a 'guide' who tied a dead antelope to a car and dragged it next to 'Cecil' luring him onto a private 'hunting' area, where the 'Good Dr', could shoot the tame cat who had no fear of humans, there was nearly unanimous worldwide rage for the 'Trophy Hunter', who had killed other big cats and was under indictment for illegally killing a bear last year. BUT, the rightwingnut 'darling', micro-penised Ted 'Nutcase' Nugent, has come to his defense, on FOX.  Ted, who has killed at least one lion, and several big cats, for the 'thrill' of it, defended his fellow 'penile challenged' buddy, for the sheep of Bullshit Mountain.

Nugent publicly defended the dentist, who paid $50,000 to hunt in that region of Zimbabwe, and has said that killing animals such as Cecil is 'essential to control the environment and keep the big animals from outnumbering us.'
He did not, however, acknowledge the fact that worldwide, lions have dwindled from a population of 450,000 in the 1940s to just 20,000 today, or that Cecil was part of “the Hwange Lion Research Project, which…is aimed at understanding, managing and conserving the lion population of Zimbabwe’s Hwange National Park.”
Same old crap from the nutjobs who inhabit FOXCrap World, while the rest of the civilized, informed world just says 'WTF is WRONG with you people?'
PS. American hunters killed over 60% of the lions killed 'for sport', in the last decade. And you wonder why we are known as 'The Ugly American(s)', around the world? Plus, Viet Nam and Iraq.....


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