As we near the 4th of July,

and the celebration that entails, I feel I need to make a point. The Cons love to say Libs hate their country, or at best, don't like it. That's bullshit. Speaking for myself, and I think most Libs, we love our country, just not what the military does when it gets hijacked by Repub politicians. Think Viet Nam and Iraq. Just sayin'.... Am proud to be an American, BUT, not proud of what's been done in the name of America, when people like GW and The Dick get control, killing innocents and damaging our image in the eyes of the world. Can't imagine anyone is, BUT, the rightwingnuts think America can do no wrong, and if you don't agree, you're not a patriot. Just ONE of the areas where we don't agree, but probaby the main one. Happy Fourth!


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