I'm SO glad, I have the 'outlet' of my blog,

to download my thoughts, cuz I have the time and inclination to follow political news, online, and if I couldn't write about it, I'd have to bother my wife, friends and kids with the BULLSHIT that the Pubs are pulling, in their thinly disguised efforts to steal the American Dream from the middle class, as they transfer wealth, (like NEVER before) away from ordinary people, with the blessings of the sheep, who don't have a clue. The good news? I write it here, and feel like I've done my part, and don't have to bother those who are 'non-political' with my concerns. Works for me, while I watch FOX/Pubs (one and the same) successfully fool about half of the American people, who don't have the time or inclination to follow what's REALLY happening, and 'ignorant, not stupid' people have chosen to believe FOXLies.
The latest FOXPlan, to muddy the waters, uses controversial abortion videos, which are a HUGE emotional weapon, to justify their total refusal to 'do their jobs' on hundreds of issues, BUT, it mobilizes the sheep, in a 'fringe issue' that doesn't effect most people, while the Pubs raid the treasury, with military and economic policies that kill us all. Great plan, and it works REALLY well, with the sheep, who don't have a clue, and think they're being 'moral and patriotic', while the Pubs steal their future. GENIUS!


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