Have started to watch 'Born on the 4th of July'

and don't think I can finish it, cuz it's too close to home, as a high school athlete is sent to Viet Nam, to fight a bullshit war, on the other side of the world, so politicians and 'defense contractors' could 'defend' America. Too many memories, of guys who didn't come back, or came back totally screwed up. Life was never the same, after the war 'for God and country'. I was SURE though, that the US could NEVER make such a huge mistake again. Then we got GW and The Dick, Iraq, and their 'Ooops, no WMD's' bullshit. Who can support this crap, other than the sheep? Never mind. Not sure I can watch the end of this movie, cuz I lived through this nightmare, the first time it happened.....
No more. Can't watch this, cuz it happened WAY too many times, in real life....


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