McTurtleFace had a news conference today,

WASHINGTON — With government funding set to run out at the end of September, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) set a timeline Thursday for deciding how to keep the money flowing: He’ll see you in September.

“We’re gonna discuss how to fund the government after the August recess,” McConnell told reporters at a news conference held to hail passage of a bipartisan highway bill, for three months.
“We’re not talking about negotiation today,” he said. “When we come back after August, we’ll discuss the way forward on getting the government funded.” There are only about a dozen days that Congress will be in session in September, leaving very little time to work out a deal before the deadline.Matters could also be complicated if Republicans who want to defund Planned Parenthood succeed in attaching that to a government funding bill, which Democrats would oppose, SO, get ready for a ShutDown, as the Pubs throw a tantrum instead of actually legislating.

As I've said here before, it's looking more and more like the Pubs are gonna force a showdown on a HUGE number of bills, all at once, with no time to adequately discuss of examine them, OR, they're gonna 'Shut It Down', that, being the US govt, cuz they refuse to do their jobs, which have become IMPOSSIBLE, because of the many factions within the Pub party. You've got the Norquist Numbnuts, who have their testicles firmly squeezed by Grover, not allowing ANY tax increase under ANY circumstance and the Tea Party whackjobs who are in such Gerrymandered districts, in rightwingnut country, that the ONLY way to be re-elected is to be the MOST Conservative of a bunch of ultra-Conservative nutjobs, who are trying to unseat Bonehead, (first time in history of US) cuz he actually negotiated with the Dems. All this, while they refuse ANY military cutbacks to a severely bloated military, cuz they all have pork barrel military projects for their homies. AND, they support Big Oil and the F-35, which is now OVER a trillion dollars (look it up) and counting. On top of this, they refuse to consider cutbacks to programs like Soc Sec and Medicare, where MOST of the money goes, cuz seniors VOTE, in large numbers, not to mention the VA hospitals that are spending trillions on mental and physical injuries from the Repub wars.
If it weren't for the steady propaganda of FOXNews, where they distort all facts concerning Repub politicians, these assholes would find themselves unemployed, BUT, Bullshit Mountain 'makes it up', hiding the facts from the sheep, and they are VERY good at that, SO we're stuck with them, after they almost wrecked our country the last time they were in charge. Remember GW and The Dick, with the crash of 2008 and the 'Oops, No WMD's' debacle in Iraq? Didn't think so, BUT, they wanna be 'back in charge' and are spending BILLIONS, to muddy the waters, appeal to the 'low information voters' (sheep) and get elected. God help us...


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