What a great 4th!

as we met with the kids at Nate and Laura's Keystone condo, for Piper's 6th b-day. Went WAY too fast, but had a great time, with food, drinks and lots of laughs. Perfect weather for a great hike along the river, dinner at 'The Dam Brewery', miniature golf, a 'blind' beer tasting for the best Cezanne and a fantastic weekend in the mountains, with the kids. We planned details of a Yellowstone vacation, together, next spring, and we're watching the American women win the World Cup, awaiting delivery of the hot tub. Life is good, as I make another entry into my diary, for the 'rocking chair memories'. We all enjoyed a bunch of laughs, at the expense of the clown car candidates and their fantasy world, where being gay is 'a choice', and the Pubs CARE about the 99%, (who fight their wars and build the wealth of the 1%), who make less (in REAL dollars), than they did in the 60's, and the gap between 'haves and have not's' gets bigger all the time, but the have not/s don't realize what's going on. Trump, like many Pubs I know, was born on third base and likes to think he hit a triple.


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