I think it's only fair,

that the Pubs should be split, like the Dems were by Ralph Nader in 2008, when votes that went for Ralph didn't go to Al Gore, and we got GW and The Dick (with a minority of votes), instead of Dems, and we were led into the worst era of modern American history, when the Pubs LIED to start a war they wanted, and totally wrecked our economy.
Am thinking The Donald should gather all his crazies together, (with the help of Bullshit Mountain),  a MAJOR part of the Repub party, and allow the country to keep on healing and prospering, after the Republicans WRECKED it from 2000 to 2008.
Bottom line, our country can't handle another Repub 'reign of error'. GO DONALD!
PS. Can you imagine President Donald Trump, the current leader (by far) of the rightwingnut Repubs? Totally insane, but SO Republican, as the whackjobs keep predicting how TERRIBLE Obama is gonna be (as our country continues to heal), while they ignore what GW and The Dick actually did to us.
Repub=Totally irrational, BUT, they worship Big Money, hence their love for The Donald.


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