As I said earlier,

Carol and I are watching 'Friday Night Lights', and enjoying it, but it is different than the book (so far), as it avoids the politics of oil and Texans, which are intertwined. I remembered a post I did, (turned out to be Oct 18, 2010), so I revisited it.

Just Finished Texasville,
and it ended pretty much the same way that 'Friday Night Lights' did. Both books, by Pulitzer prize winning authors in the 90's, concluded with small Texas towns going broke, after the price of oil fell to under $9/bbl, and they lost their golden goose. Little did they know, not far away, in Midland, Texas, George Bush had a plan. As they said in 'FNL', 'We're just one mideast war away from being rich again', and as Luthie said in TXville, 'Let's just bomb OPEC'. As they 'just talked', GHW Bush was putting together a team, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars from oilmen who still had some their riches. With his son GW, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove and Don Rumsfeld, Bush was able to do what other Texans just dreamed about. They bombed OPEC and started another mideast war, on , 'oops, bad info'. They got their war and the oil men got their fortunes back. Of course there were some consequences, but no big deal for the 'Big Oil Boys', from Texas.
Am wondering if they'll ever'go there' in the FNL series. I doubt it, but the original book did, tying the Iraq War  to the dreams of Texas oilmen (Bush and buddies) and a (wished for) war in the Mideast, to jack up the price of oil. Who da thunk it would actually happen, AGAIN, (in Iraq) after it worked SO WELL for GHW during the first Gulf War? What a huge coincidence, that GW and The Dick got 'bad info' that drove the price of oil, from under $14 to over $140 a barrel, and the main beneficiaries were the Big Oil Boys. Remember, both books were written BEFORE GW and The Dick (another Big Oil, Haliburton, guy) got the 'bad intel', but perfectly predicted another 'oil war' in the Mideast. Amazing, and all it took was trillions of dollars and thousands of deaths and injuries. Oh well, gotta love them Republicans, who always find a way to make it work for themselves. Who can't see these OBVIOUS facts. Oh yeah, the sheep, who don't have a clue, as always, but ALWAYS vote Republican.


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