I keep seeing and reading

about how 'terrible' the US economy is. Oh really? Compared to what? Compared to the steaming pile left behind by GW and the Dick, after they had to write over $860 BILLION to keep us from totally imploding? Compared to Canada, Mexico and all of South America? HA! Compared to Europe or Asia, who'd LOVE to have our situation? True, there are some 'slow spots' in the country (mostly Red States), and growth is never as solid and uniform as everyone would like, but let's be real. We're coming out of the worst recession since the Big D (thanks Pubs), and in uncharted territory as desperate times called for desperate measures, but PLEASE, don't blame those who inherited the worst economy in generations, while listening to those who broke it, and want to be 'back in charge', cuz the 'fix' isn't going as fast as they'd like. Things aren't perfect, and never will be, but compared to where we were, and the rest of the world, we're doing GREAT!, no matter what the nay-sayers at FOX, (run by Roger Ailes, pictured) want the sheep to believe, so they vote Repub.


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